Friday, June 19, 2009

Eads, CO

We completed two milestones today. We crossed into the Mountain Time Zone and we entered Colorado. You will be happy to know we are not having any problems with jet lag. We also climbed almost 1500 feet and we are now at just over 4000 feet which is higher than any point we reached on the East Coast. It was a glorious day for riding, sunny, low 80's, and a favorable wind all day so we ended up riding 105 miles. After the border the nature of the land changed from farming to range land. At a well positioned convenience store, the only service for 58 miles, we talked with a farmer who said he was about to begin harvesting his wheat crop on 10,000 acres. It makes New York farms seem pretty small in comparison. It was also a meeting point for lots of cyclists as we are seeing many now. Tonight we are camping in the Eads town park and everyone is happy about that. We are blogging from the library with time running out so will close.


  1. Congratulations for 105 miles! and new state and time zone. I'll try not to call too early!

  2. Wow!! I am just speechless!
