The ride ended at the post office of Carrie, KY after 72 miles. I think the post office is Carrie in its entirety. The route today followed numerous hollows, narrow stream valleys between the hills. At the end was a challenging climb over a ridge into the the next hollow. As the route moved west the climbs were shorter but still steep. The most interesting was the first, a 2 mile long almost 1000 foot climb.
This is eastern Kentucky coal country. Coal mining is of both the hard rock and strip mining varieties. We passed several large strip mines where half a ridge line was gone. The homes along the roads are very modest with gardens and chickens. Today was dog day, with five or six chases. Fortunately, they were all small and cowards. For those of you who rode on the Black Bear trip last year in Kentucky, I can report the roads are just as good in this part of the state. After rain last night, the weather has turned fair under a high pressure, so the ride ended in bright sunshine and clear skies. (Matt K. - Sally is making good use of your present, she verified that high pressure has arrived.)
We are staying tonight in Hazard, KY. We struck up a conversation with a guy as we were buying a mid afternoon sub. It turns out he is from New Hampshire and came down to Kentucky to mine hard rock coal, even though he currently is "changing tires". Asked why he would want to mine, the response was "its dirty, dangerous, pays well, and I don't like the sun". He also added the temperature is always 65 degrees.