There is only one week to go now until the ride starts next Saturday, 5/23. I am ready and getting anxious to start. Today we have been doing final yard work and we have started packing. Next week will be busy with finishing up end of quarter requirements at RIT, really packing, and closing the house down for two months. I talked with a reporter from the Greece Post so there may be an article about the ride in an upcoming issue.
Yesterday I did a tune-up 100 miles as part of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children ride. It was my first time participating and it was a lot of fun. The group either rides by or stops at elementary schools along the route in Monroe County and the city of Rochester. This year Hilton was the first stop so familiar territory. The ride is on a tight time schedule so that at arrival the kids are all out cheering their little hearts out. At the stops there is an educational program, food, and then off we go. There was a police escort the entire way so we never had to stop in between schools. There were 227 riders, riding in pairs, so a fairly long line. The average speed was supposed to be between 14 and 15. But in practice the line continued to rubber band between slow and fast (10-20) so you had to pay attention constantly to avoid rear enders. I recommend it for a fairly easy century.
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